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See 全球十大赌博靠谱平台 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.


我们提供人们每天所需的能源——安全, 创新, 负责任的, 合作和正直. 我们是日常生活的重要组成部分, delivering the energy millions of people rely on to power their lives in a sustainable way.


Our vision is to be the premier energy infrastructure company in North America today and in the future. That future includes embracing the energy transition that is underway and contributing to a lower-carbon energy world.

We believe today’s energy industry must play a proactive role to enable change and help meet each country’s climate goals. 同时, we must make sure that a growing population continues to have the energy required to maintain quality of life — our transportation, 农业, 卫生保健, 教育, 而经济繁荣都依赖于安全, 可靠、实惠的能源.

Our business is well-positioned to seize the exciting opportunities that a global energy transition presents. 我们也认识到当前能源系统和基础设施的重要性. 能源预测显示,天然气将在2050年后发挥至关重要的作用. 我们现有的资产仍将是这些能源系统的重要组成部分, 为我们的成长和发展提供了一个无与伦比的基础.

To learn more about our approach to sustainable development and energy transition see:



行业领先的安全记录. A 99.999%安全交付率. 我们仍然相信我们可以做得更好. Rigorous training and emergency preparation means we’re always prepared for unlikely events.


自2000年以来,我们的资产基础从250亿美元增长到1000多亿美元. 同时, 我们实现了11%的年均股东总回报率, 红利持续增长.


我们的目标是负责任地管理我们的环境足迹. 这意味着我们一直在努力减少土地消耗和水的使用, 投资低排放或无排放的能源.



积极地为我们生活和工作的社区做贡献对我们来说很重要. 这就是为什么我们在2021年投资了超过21加元.6 million to over 2,080 different initiatives or scholarship recipients across 1,000+ communities.



我们的互补基础设施资产组合, along with $31 billion of secured growth projects and advancing a substantial suite of projects under development, 预计将支持3%至5%的年度股息增长. We’re well positioned to navigate an ever-evolving energy and business environment and energy landscape. 随着我们每条业务线的持续增长, 我们期望在未来的几十年里继续发展我们的业务, 为我们的投资者提供不断增长的回报.



科技 & 创新

We are committed to enhancing energy sector sustainability through research and development (R&D)和创新投资.

在过去的五年里, TC能源公司在技术开发方面的投资超过1.25亿美元, supporting an internal research program as well as joint partnerships — an investment that pays off across the board. Our 创新 programs are globally recognized for advancing the safety and efficiency of our industry.

例如,TC能源公司 recognized for its leadership in Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) inline inspection tool development and efforts to improve industry-wide safety and reliability through the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Global Pipeline Award at the International Pipeline Conference (IPC) in Calgary in 2018.

到2021年,我们 were recognized with a Global Pipeline Award for the development of new defect assessment methodologies that improves upon current assessment methodologies resulting in improved corrosion management program to provide better failure prediction and improved 完整性 response.